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Jerry's Car
BOG is a 42 year old fan of Jerry and have been since he was driving the #15
Buss Fuse Car. When Jerry entered his first race into Winston driving the #1
R&L Carriers car I knew he had a special talent and gift. Also being a Miami
Dolphin Fan for over twenty years you can imagine how I felt when Jerry
hooked a ride in the #13 First Plus Car. I followed Jerry into the #9 car
and then what a fantastic deal to hook up with Hendrick. I have just about
everything Nadeau and thought his season with Holigan as a sponsor was
great. While he was with Holigan I offered to paint my Van the Holigan Homes
theme but never got around to it because I was informed that they might
change their scheme. Anyway, Michael and Jerry invited me to a weekend of
racing in Charlotte for my thought. It was Memorial Day Weekend, my birthday
was May 29th and Jerry was looking awesome. The weekend was great. I was
treated like a king, spoke with Jerry and Michael and what a class act they
     Enter UAW - DELPHI.  Great Sponsor, Great Driver, Great Owner, Great
TEAM. I decided not to procrastinate this time and DO IT!